What I did to begin learning Unity
As mentioned on the planning page, in order to get a general idea of all the tools available in Unity, I went through the 2D UFO game tutorial. I learned that when using Unity, one needs 2 windows open: Unity itself, and some coding tool, like Microsoft Visual Studio, that can be used to edit the C# code that controls the game. Everything in the game is some sort of object, which has qualities determined by its components. This then determines what the object does and how it interacts with other object in the game. The code then uses and modifies those qualities and can be used to define exactly what happens when objects interact. The tutorial covered these relatively simple topics, as well as some code that can be used with the objects. The question I still have, among many, is how to transition between different 'scenes,' such as having different levels in the same game. With more time and more tutorials, I think I can start delving deeper into Unity, because it is a huge program that can't just be learned through one simple tutorial. However, I think this tutorial gave me a good idea of what is all possible in Unity.